Tag Archives: everlastig

Grandchildren “Everlasting”

7 Oct

Grandchildren “Everlasting”              2010
Sara Dalton

Have you ever sat in the back seat of a car and wondered what the soundtrack to your thoughts would be? If you haven’t, please take the time to do so. If you have, then rest assured that Grandchildren’s debut album Everlasting is the answer to your question. Everlasting debuts not only a band that came
together to form a six-piece orchestra, but the talents that the members contain. The instrumental expansion that is Grandchildren is comprised of an assortment of intense talent. With vocalist Aleksander Martray, bassist and percussionist Russell Brodie, guitarist Adam Katz, drummer Roman Salcic, pianist and synthesizer pro John Vogel and Trsitan Palazzolo on everything and beyond— this sextet is spellbinding.

The album starts out with a hectic drum beat that is then accompanied by a tranquil piano hum. Martray enters with a voice that sounds almost dream-like and similar to Avey Tare of Animal Collective. In the first song of the album, “Cold Warrior,” steel drums are perceptible and repetitive yet still enjoyable.
Within the very next song, a profound guitar sound is created. In “Winterlude,” the guitar presents a classic resonance alike Explosions in the Sky, but is made its own when the guitar and synthesizer join in unison and are continually followed with crescendos of all instruments.
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